Monday 11 October 2010

The Weight of Silence by Heather Gudenkauf

"Two little girls are missing. Both are seven years old and have been missing for at least sixteen hours"

And so the story begins. I picked up this book for a bargainous £1 from the WH Smith clearance aisle - a real place of wonder where I can waste many an hour that should be spent on food shopping. I was intrigued by the mystery and couldn't argue with the price, so hence it found its way into my collection.

Although I quite liked the author's style - she flits between different character view points with ease, and each character is complex with a rich, layered history that ensures they're believable - there was something about it that left me a bit bored. The story is definitely intriguing - it focuses around the hunt for Calli, who hasn't spoken a word since she was four, and her best friend Petra, who both seemingly disappear without a trace in the early hours of the morning - although the reader immediately knows what's happening to Calli, as the story starts from her perspective. Perhaps this is what put me off somewhat - it seemed too simple, everything was spelled out for me before I could guess, so much so that the twist didn't really surprise me in the way it should. Along the way, the book explores a number of issues including dysfunctional families, domestic abuse, family secrets, lost love and the true meaning of friendship. I enjoyed the girls' friendship - it seemed genuine and innocent, and the bond between siblings, Calli and Ben. I still don't know what it is that I didn't like, but I found myself feeling relieved to be nearing the end, and not because I wanted to find out what happened!

Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for it, but I don't think I'll be reading this one again.


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